How to install the privacy cedar wood fencing Vancouver?

Fencing Vancouver

There is no wood fencing material that has the natural beauty of actual wood. Most people assume that a wood cedar fence needs yearly maintenance and that it will not last very long. But that is surely not the case. If a best cedar wood fencing Vancouver is installed properly there is really very little maintenance and the wood fence can last for many, many years.

Why we install the cedar fencing Vancouver?

The key to durability for any wood fence are the fence posts themselves. Never use a wood fence post for a wood fence. Wood posts that are in contact with the ground can rot out in less than five years depending on wet soil conditions. Treated wood posts may also twist and warp as the posts dry out over time. A spurred steel post will never rot or twist. It will last a lifetime. When installing a stainless steel post be sure to use one that can be covered to appear like wood. With a steel post that is covered the cedar wood fence will look like wood and but will have the durability of stainless steel.

People frequently think that a steel post is very expensive. A SS post can in fact cost less than a wood post. A cedar wood post will use more concrete than a steel post does. The hole for a wood fence post should be three times the diameter of the post itself. This means that a wood 4 by 4 post needs a hole that is 12 inches in diameter while a stainless steel post needs only a 6 inch diameter hole. And, the hole requires to go below the frost-line which can be up to four feet deep. A cedar wood post should also have gravel below the concrete to permit for water drainage. When the cost of the post, the concrete and the gravel is added together the total price of a cedar wood fencing Vancouver post may be more than that of a steel post. And then of course there is the extra labor of digging a bigger hole and disposing of all that dust.

For a best cedar wood fencing Vancouver that will have a top rail, or image frame, the top of the post should be 6 feet out of the ground. For this kind of fence an eight foot post is needed. Cedar wood fence gates have very importance and used in houses and offices

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